Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog post #7

in Zinn's passage you see how Chicano men are treated and belittled in society. Although men they are considered lower class and less educated which would point to there lower paying jobs. They are treated as less than a man by there superiors constantly being yelled at and with no higher education they have no choice but to stay with the jobs they have and just take the abuse. When the men get home this leads to them enforcing there superiority onto their family because they are weaker, this helps make the Chicano men feel masculine because when outside they do not feel it. If the Chicano men were able to understand the English language better i wonder how they would function in society. Would they stray from there low education jobs and reach for more and set themselves up as a masculine role model in our society.

1 comment:

  1. The question with which you close your post is wonderful and you should develop your post around this issue. Do Chicano men have sufficient access to education in order to better themselves? Would better jobs and being fluent in English elevate their masculine status?
